
Constitution of the Parents Association of Cloonakilla National School

(1) The Purpose of the Parents Association
The purpose of the Parents Association is to provide a structure through which the parents/guardians of children attending Cloonakilla National School can work together to provide the best possible education and school environment for the children. attending the school. The Parents Association works with the principal, staff, and Board Of Management (BOM) to build an effective partnership between home and school.
(2) The Aim of the Parents Association
The aim of the Parents Association is to enable parents to play their part in ensuring the best possible education for their children, through the association’s activities.
The Parents Association promotes the interests of the students in cooperation with the BOM,
principal, teachers, and students in accordance with the Education Act, 1998.
(3) The Work of the Parents Association
The Parents Association promotes the involvement of parents, and endeavours to support pupils, parents and teaching staff on a day to day and ongoing basis. In planning its activities, the Parents Association consults the school principal and the BOM. The Parents Association may advise the principal and BOM on any matters relating to the school in accordance with the Education Act, 1998,26 (2)(a).
(4) The Membership of the Parents Association
All parents/guardians of children attending Cloonakilla National School are automatically deemed to be members of the Parents Association.
(5) The Committee of the Parents Association
While all parents are part of the Parents Association, not all can or need to be involved in the day to day business of organising the work. It is for this reason that the parents elect a committee. The Parents Association committee works as a team in order to be effective in communicating, consulting with, and involving as many parents as possible in the activities of the association. A major role of the committee is to involve parents who do not wish to be on a committee but who may wish to help with particular activities.
(6) The Work Of The Committee of the Parents Association
(i) The committee draws up plans for the activities of the association in consultation with
parents and in accordance with their wishes.
(ii) The committee is responsible for seeing that activities are run efficiently and effectively.
(iii) The committee establishes and maintains effective communication with the school
principal and BOM, and consults with the principal and BOM when planning the
programme of activities throughout any given year.
(iv) The committee reports on its work to the parent body (the members) at the Annual
General Meeting (AGM).
(v) The committee manages and accounts for any funds collected by the Parents Association.
(vi) Complaints: It is not the role of the Parents Association’s to pursue a complaint on behalf
of an individual parent. However, in the case of an individual parent approaching the
Parents Association about an experience or concern, the Parents Association committee
may: (a) Advise the parent on how best to approach the school staff in order to informally
resolve their issue; (b) Advise the parent that if they wish to make a complaint, there is a
complaints procedure in place in the school, and encourage the parent to use the
(7) The Membership of the Committee
(i) The members of the committee are elected each year at the AGM, by a process whereby
parents/guardians voluntarily put their name forward.
(ii) A parent/guardian who cannot attend in person at the AGM, may put their name forward
by proxy.
(iii) Each class is represented by a minimum of one person and a maximum of two persons.
(iv) A parent/guardian may only put themselves forward to represent a class in which they have a child.
(v) Each member is elected to serve for a period of one year.
(vi) Where there are three or more persons willing to represent a single class, the
representatives shall be chosen by a process of placing the names into an envelope an
drawing out two.
(vii) When all class representatives on the incoming committee have been elected, the officer
positions are chosen from this group.
(viii) Officer Positions; Persons putting their names forward for officer positions must be
proposed and seconded. Where two or more persons are going forward for a position, a
vote is held in the form of a paper ballot.
(ix) Officer positions are held by an individual representative for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two, with officer positions being held for two consecutive years where
possible for continuity reasons.
(x) Parent representatives elected to the BOM are automatically members of the committee,
but may not hold an officer post so as to avoid any conflict of interest with their role as
board members.
(xi) The School Principal or a Teacher Delegate shall be invited to address the AGM of the
Parents Association. The School Principal or Teacher Delegate shall also be invited to
attend one committee meeting per term. She/He may attend meetings at their own request
or by invitation of the committee, to discuss a specific topic which may arise, that requires
dual input.
(8) Sub Committees
Subcommittees can be set up to handle particular tasks that arise. They may also co-opt
people from the general parent body to assist in their work. They are accountable to and must report to the main committee.
(9) Finance
(i) A Treasurer is appointed from the committee and is responsible for keeping the accounts
of the parents association.
(ii) A financial report containing a written statement of income and expenditure is submitted
to the AGM. A copy of the financial report, once approved by the AGM, is forwarded to
the Board of Management.
(iii) The Parents Association keeps a bank account and credit union account in its name. The
Treasurer, and at least one other named member of the committee must sign for
withdrawals from either account.
(iv) All purchases/spending of association funds are authorised by a majority vote of the
(v) All funds raised by the Parents Association for the benefit of the school are transferred
from the Parents Association to the school account. All payments are made from the
school account.
(10) Quorum and Conduct of Committee Meetings
(i) 50% plus one member shall form a quorum of the committee.
(ii) Members who wish to have a suggestion considered by the committee should formally
propose it for a decision.
(iii) Every proposal put forward shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members
(iv) In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.
(v) In the case of an item/issue failing to be resolved over several proposals, the issue will be
put to a vote, by the entire parent body.
(11) Fund Raising
Fund raising for the school is done only with the prior agreement of the BOM. The Parents
Association agrees with the BOM specific projects for which funds are to be raised, and agrees in advance the percentage to be financed by the Parents Association.
(12) Confidentiality
The committee communicates openly with the parents in the school. Occasionally matters may arise that must be kept confidential. In such rare cases, confidentially shall be respected.
(13) National Parents Council (NPC)
Cloonakilla National School Parents Association is affiliated to the NPC.
(14) Amending the Constitution
Amendments to the constitution may be made at the AGM. Proposals/motions to amend the
constitution must be submitted in writing to the Parents Association committee at least 10 working days before the AGM. These motions are then circulated to all parents before the AGM. All eligible parents may then vote on them at the AGM.
(15) General Conduct
(i) The AGM shall be held no later than the last day of October of each year.
(ii) At least seven working days notice of the date of the AGM shall be given to parents.
(iii) The proceedings of all meetings, including the AGM, shall be held in a minute book to be
kept by the Secretary, and shall include the names of the committee members present, and
members who have sent apologies.
(iv) The first business of each meeting shall be the reading, consideration and signing of the
Minutes of the previous meeting, by the Chairperson.
(v) Whenever possible, the date for the following meeting shall be decided at the end of each
committee meeting.
(vi) Should a member fail to attend for three consecutive Committee Meetings, without being
excused, he or she shall be deemed to be no longer a serving member of the Committee.