Parental Complaints Procedure

Policy No. 18

Parental Complaints Procedure

This policy was reviewed in December 2013, February 2017 and January 2021.  Below is a copy of the reviewed policy.

The Board of Management of Cloonakilla N.S. have set out the following policy on the procedures for processing complaints by parents to comply with Section 28, Education Act 1998.

The school promotes positive home-school contacts and endeavours to enhance the self-esteem of everyone within the school community. To afford parents the opportunity to express and address opinions and grievances, the Board has set up a framework outlined below. Through use of this framework, it is hoped to minimise the opportunity for conflict.

This policy does not cover:

  • Complaints that are being dealt with through legal channels.
  • Matters of professional competence which come under the remit of the DES.
  • Petty complaints which do not relate to the work of a particular teacher.

In-School Procedures

If a parent has a concern in relation to the social or academic progress of their child, or the performance of a teacher, the following steps are to be followed:

Stage 1 – Informal Stage

The parent/guardian meets with the class teacher on appointment. This appointment may be made by contacting the school office or by contacting the teacher directly via letter or email.  Parents should not contact teachers at their homes. If the issue is not resolved the class teacher informs the Principal of the complaint. If the matter remains unresolved the parent/guardian may raise the matter with the chairman of the B.O.M.

Stage 2 –Written Stage

If the grievance persists, the parent/guardian may pursue the matter by lodging a complaint in writing to the chairman of the Board who will bring the nature of the complaint to the notice of the teacher and seek to resolve the issue between both parties within 5 days of receipt of the written complaint.

Stage 3 – Notify teacher

If this process fails, the chairman will supply the teacher with a copy of the written complaint and arrange a meeting with the teacher concerned and the principal. This will happen within 10 school days of receipt of the written complaint.

Stage 4 – Notify Board of Management/Teacher input

  • If the complaint is still not resolved the Chairperson should make a formal report to the Board within 10 days of the meeting referred to in 3
    • If the Board considers that the complaint is not substantiated the teacher and the complainant should be so informed within 3 days of the Board meeting.
    • If the Board considers that the complaint is substantiated or that it warrants further investigation it proceeds as follows:
    • The teacher should be informed that the investigation is proceeding to the next stage;
    • The teacher should be supplied with a copy of any written evidence in support of the complaint;
    • The teacher should be requested to supply a written statement to the Board in response to the complaint;
    • The teacher should be afforded an opportunity to make a presentation of the case to the Board.  The teacher would be entitled to be accompanied and assisted by a friend ay any such meeting;
    • The meeting of the Board of Management referred to in (d) and (e) will take place within 10 days of the meting referred to in 3

Stage 5 – BOM Decision

Within 5 school days, the decision of the Board will be delivered in writing to the teacher and the complainant. This decision is final and binding.

*Please note where this policy states “days” it means “school days”

Signed: Tommy Cormican  Date:         January 2021

Chairman of BOM, Cloonakilla N.S.

Date for Review:      January 2024